Weisse Lilien

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2007
Runtime: 01:45 min
Description: Silent Resident A vision of the city of the future. A venturous development project has turned into an enigmatic authoritarian society. But there are always some lone fighters who threaten the closedness of the conceptual world. Terrorists or resistance fighters against a conspiracy of the powerful. The Lilies are going to reveal the truth. Never before have blocks of flats been so threatening and been so engrossed by fear, control, and inscrutable secrets as the white, radiant buildings of "New Town", a self-sufficient "living machine" in the suburbs of time and space in the not too distant future. A "Brave New World", where people disappear and social protests are as mysterious as security forces that are offered as a service but are enigmatic repressive measures in reality. With the help of a motherly friend and colleague, Hannah leaves her violent boyfriend and moves to a higher, socially better off floor of her apartment building. But there, her life is soon thrown off track. Why do her new neighbours observe her and why do the internal security forces spy on her? Why did the woman who had lived in the flat before Hannah kill herself? Hannah has visions – or are those visions actually real? It seems as if everybody, even her lover, a detective, are conspiring against her. Hannah′s only hope is her friendship with Anna, a sort of "reversed" Hannah, who rebels against the omnipresent control and surveillance in New Town. When their identities seem to fuse and the boundaries between the manipilators and the manipulated become more and more fuzzy, a paranoia sets in that turns into an explosive collision of reality, dream, and violence...
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH (Berlin)
Production company: Amour Fou Filmproduktion GmbH (Wien)
Director: Christian Frosch
Document type:
Language: de